MSEB Contributory Provident Fund
for employees of MahaDiscom, MahaTransco, MahaGenco and MSEB Holding Company Ltd.
Welcome Guest
Welcome to CPF Self Service Portal for the Employees of MahaDiscom, MahaTransco, MahaGenco and MSEB Holding Company Limited.
Check Pension Status
click here for Instructions for Employee Revised Pension Contribution Calculation dated 19.02.2023 
You can now generate CPF PLA slip for year 2023-24. Report available inside 'View CPF Balance (Tentative)' menu.
Tax Calculation sheet is available under "Employee Self Reports'. Tax was deducted at 10% if taxable interest income is above Rs 5000/- and shown under the column TDS Paid in PLA sheet. Balance tax to be paid as per your tax slab on the amount shown before filing return.
All the employees in MSEDCL intranet currently have following provisions.
- Members can register to the portal.
- Members can view their CPF Balances (Provisional for current financial year).
- Members can view their CPF Loan History.
- Members can view their registration details and update mobile number and email Id.
- Members can change password.
- Members can reset password by clicking on the 'Forgot Password' link on the login page.
- Members can view documents viz. circulars, instructions etc. as and when uploaded.
- Members of CPF section having special roles can create newly joined employees in HRMS by allotting new auto-generated CPF Number.
- Members of CPF section having special roles can upload the CPF schedule data for MahaTransco, MahaGenco, MSEB Holding Company, validate, check statistics and error reports and finalise the data.
- Members having special Accounts privileges can enter and finalise CPF Subscription and Reimbursement Amounts (S & R Accounting amounts)
Facilities added from 10-May-2021
- CPF Schedule uploading made available to MSEDCL locations as SAP is made live
Facilities added from 1-Jan-2017
- Members can apply for CPF Nomination for their CPF account
- Members having special HR privileges can view status of CPF Nomination and Forward/Reject Nomination.
- Members having special HR privileges can view CPF Numbers allotted during given period for their location
- Members having special HR privileges can view Reports
- Members having special HR privileges can view loan history of the employees and current loan status
- Members having special HR privileges can view status of CPF Final Settlements and Enter and Submit FS Cases of Employees
- Members having special HR privileges can Generate PLA slip for their location employees.
- Members having special HR privileges can view status of CPF Advances and Enter and Submit Advance Cases of Employees
Facilities added from 15-Mar-2017
- Members having special HR privileges can now generate list of Approved/Rejected/Pending Nominations.
- Members can now Enter and Submit CPF Advance Cases
- Members can now print CPF Advance Form only for Refundable Advance.
- Members can now Enter and Submit CPF Final Settlement (90%/10%/100%) applications and print the form
Facilities added from 24-May-2017
- 'Members of HR section having special access can now enter CPF nomination for other employees'
- Members can now enter CPF Loan application for other Members.
- Members of HR section can now print CPF Final Settlement death claims Form No 12.
- Members can now print CPF Non-Refundable Advance Form.
- Members of HR section can now Enter Supplementary CPF final Claims, Final Submit and generate report of claims for final submitted during given period.
Faclilities added from 1-Jul-2017
- HR section can now generate Pending claims reports and other reports.
- HR section can generate List of employees whose CPF Nomination is Absent.
- HR section can now check status of all EDLI claims of employees who expired from 1-Apr-2014.
Faclilities added from 1-Dec-2017
- HR section can now enter new employee details and print Form No. 3.1 and Form 11 for CPF Number and UAN allotment.
Faclilities added from 10-Jan-2018
- HR section employee of Non-MSEDCL company having HR Manager User special access can now upload CPF schedule files
Browser Compatibility :
- Internet Explorer 8 and above. Press F12 and find 'Browser Mode' and 'Document Mode' in File menu. Both should be 8 or above.
- Google Chrome 30.0 and above
- Mozilla Firefox 27.0 and above
- For opening CPF Portal in Mozilla Firefox verson 40.0 through MSEDCL Intranet set 'No Proxy' as .mahadiscom.in,